About us

Tullamore Educate Together N.S. (Roll# 20189L) is the first and only multi–denominational primary school in county Offaly. The school was founded in 2004 by a group of parents who wanted an alternative to one denominational education for their children.
Cathy Lyons became the Principal in January 2007. School enrolment has grown rapidly and now has an enrolment of over two hundred pupils and a teaching staff of twelve, a Special Needs Assistant and three ancillary staff. The school is currently being extended to include a hall and an ASD unit.
There are a lot of reasons to choose an Educate Together School — at primary level Educate Together has forty years experience of providing an education based on human rights and that welcomes all children regardless of religious, social or cultural background. Educate Together has an established tradition of democracy, inclusion and equality that benefits pupils, parents and teachers alike.
CONTACT US for more details.
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