TETNS Policy — Homework
Tullamore E.T.N.S. Policy — Homework


  • To consolidate work being done at school.
  • To keep parents in touch and involved with their children’s work.
  • To develop and encourage the habit of independent study.

Guidelines for Teachers

  • Homework should be an integral part of the subject being taught and given in order to consolidate work done – not as an exercise in isolation.
  • Homework should never be given unless the teacher has thoroughly prepared and explained what needs to be done.
  • Homework must be consistent – a small amount given in such a way as to form a pattern for the children so that they are more likely to remember it.
  • Teachers will check that homework is being done and will give extra help where difficulties occur.
  • In the event of a parent not wishing their child to participate in homework activities, a letter must be forwarded to the school expressing this wish and must be kept on school files.

Guidelines for Parents

Parents are encouraged to —

  • Establish a set routine and time for the child to do his/her homework, in a quiet place free from distractions.
  • Supervise children’s homework, checking and signing it on completion.
  • Help and encourage the child, but do not do the homework for him/her.
  • Forward a note to the teacher if homework has not been completed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • In the event of a parent not wishing their child to participate in homework activities, a letter must be forwarded to the school expressing this wish and must be kept on school files.

Shared reading is not seen as homework in the regular sense and it is simply meant to be an enjoyable exercise between parent and child.


Allotted time that teachers expect the average child in each class to spend at homework —

Junior Infants         10 – 15 minutes.
Senior Infants        15 – 20 minutes
First and Second    No more than 30 minutes
Third and Fourth   30 minutes
Fifth Class               45 minutes
Sixth Class              Up to 1 hour

Homework is given from Monday to Thursday. Normally there is no homework at weekends; however, children in middle and senior classes may sometimes be required to work independently on projects at weekends.


This policy was adopted by the Board of Management on 17/11/2009

This policy was reviewed on 17/10/18


Signed ___________________________
























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